Introduction to
Astrological Herbalism Class

This past September for the Exactitude of my Saturn Return I had the honor to be able to Teach at the Great Lakes Herb Faire where I was able to premier my ‘Introduction to Astrological Herbalism’ Class for the first time! I have just recently been able to get around to editing the video documentation I took of that class into a presentable format that is now available for you! I had so much fun giving this class and I am so thankful I can now share it with those who were unable to attend in person <3
~No Prior Familiarity Necessary~
Pay What You Can
Please Donate what you can
to support my growing body of work
or Book a Reading with me!
Suggested $3-$30
Part 1:
*Core Principles of Correspondence
*(Learn how Astrology can enhance your Ayurvedic/Temperament understanding)
*Natal Chart (Elements, Modes, Signs, Houses, Aspects)
*Planets / Dignity / Energetics
Part 1
Part 2:
*How to ID Ruling Planets for Plants + Examples
*Astrological Timing for Planting & Harvesting,
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We live in a society that has trained us
to give our Power away.
Spending our time, money, and precious energy
at the service of other people's wants and needs,
planning our lives to other people's schedules.
I spent the majority of my life feeling controlled
by everything going on -around- me.
I wasn't the center of my own life.
I changed all that.
I rearranged my life around the person living it: me.
I took my power back.
it's all about a delicate balance,
and making clear connections about how the ways we support ourselves
directly impact our ability to be supportive
for our loved ones and our communities
when we are best able to.
-Feedback Loops-
It Starts With A Reading.
Situating your own oxygen mask FIRST,
isn't only advice for airplane rides.
it's a lifetime priority.
We cannot be a true support to anyone else if we are not first supporting ourselves.
What I'm here to do is to
hold-space, facilitate, and catalyze
your own ability to re-balance
the priorities in your life
starting with
your self.
By initiating a shift
and integrating simple strategies
seamlessly into new routines
of self love, care, and maintenance,
You will build a new foundation
of self-worth, self-trust, and confidence
upon which your hopes and aspirations for
your future will blossom.
Not only that,
but all the insight
I have to offer you
from my own personal experience
will be adjusted and tailored specifically
to your own personal nature
intentionally based directly from your
Individual Astrological Birth Chart.

Like a 'CATALYST' I am only here to activate and energize
your own personal process of growth and evolution.
Guiding you to develop your own ways of listening to your self,
taking accountability for your own needs,
and empowering your own sense of inner authority
(through embodying my own ways of doing so for my self).
What is Astrology?Astrology is the art, science, and language of correlating meaning with the positions and movements of celestial bodies. It follows the understanding of the aphorism 'As Above, So Below'.
How can I benefit from knowing more about myself astrologically?Astrology benefits each of us by expanding the awareness of our generally subconscious habits, patterns, and routines of behavior. This growing awareness allows us to function in more of a co-creative role with our lives. This awareness can lead to a radical sense of self-acceptance, existential relaxation, and growth in confidence. Astrology helps us transcend a ‘fault /blame’ oriented perspective on life circumstances and moves us toward a compassionate understanding of the cycles and rhythms of personal and collective events. Feeling aligned with our own personal energetic architecture in relation to collective patterns can instill a true sense of meaningful connection and unique purpose within each of us.
What if my chart says I am doomed / cursed/ something awful I don’t want to know?I do not view or interpret any energy in a chart as inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad’… so terms like ‘doomed’ or ‘cursed’ are not a part of my language when speaking on the energetic patterns of someone’s existence. That is not an ethical practice of Astrology. Yes, some patterns indicate a smoother flow of energy, and others more friction, but while a Trine may be “harmonious” and easy flowing, it can also remain undeveloped or lead to excess, while a Square may be more “challenging” it can also lead to mastery and excellence over time.
Can you tell my Future?Yes and No. The way in which I utilize Astrological insights in terms of tracking future transits and preparing for upcoming alignments is to help an individual identify periods of relative challenge or support. I can relate to someone when those periods of time will be, yes. However Astrology is a dialogue between Fate and Free-will, so while general energy patterns may be pre-determinable, the way in which we choose to work with or struggle against the energy available during a certain period of time is up to us in my opinion. Taking into account the elements of free-will at play, I choose never to make concrete predictions about an individual’s future. I act more as a mapmaker of the terrain of time, and seek to empower my clients with the awareness and ability to navigate the terrain with the greatest ease possible.
Can you communicate with a dead relative/friend/lover for me?For that type of work I would suggest seeking out a channel, medium, or psychic; which at this time I do not offer as a part of my practice.
What do I leave with after a Chart Exploration?After your Chart Exploration you will leave directly with a print out of your Natal Chart (if we met in person). The following day I will email you a link from which you can download a Recording of our time together as well as a digital copy of your Natal Chart.
What if I am not happy with my Chart Exploration?If you truly find yourself dissatisfied with the experience of your chart exploration, I will refund you 50% of your money back.